Friday, January 18, 2008

Nicole's Chicken Veggie Pasta Salad

Nicole's Chicken Veggie Pasta Salad
This one's super easy and I usually make enough so I can have it for lunch all week. I think altogether, the ingredients cost about $10. I'm not sure how original it is, but it's definately a favorite of mine:)

* Chicken breasts - about 3 (turkey or tufu would work really well too)
* 1/2 red onion
* Broccli (approx. 3 large stalks of broccili)
* Tomato (1 large ripe one)
* Paul Numan's oil and vinegar dressing (or if you want to throw in your own oil and vinegar)
* 1 small box whole wheat pasta
* garlic (to taste)
* basil (to taste)

Start oven at 350 degrees and chop all veggies while it warms up. Once the oven is ready place 3 unfrozen chicken breasts in small glass pan with olive oil and vinegar dressing poured over top for flavor (bake for approximately 1 hour).

Add all veggies in bowl, boil pasta (chill cooked pasta before adding to bowl of veggies). Add basil and garlic to bowl (a pinch of each). Cut chicken into small pieces and cool.

Once chicken is cooled, add all to bowl with oil and vinegar.

Feeds approx. 12
Dish is served best with white wine

Happy eating!

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